In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The last kids class before summer break focused on the 5
Pillars of Islam.
Quran Time
The students revised Surah Fatiha, Surah Naas, Surah Falq
and Surah Ikhlas by repeating after the audio recitation.
Duas Time
Then they revised the duas for going to bed and waking up in
the morning. The dua for travelling was introduced in this class.
Lesson Time
The lesson discussed the 5 Pillars of Islam: Shahadah,
Salah, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj. Each pillar was discussed and related to what the
children had learnt before. They were then asked questions about the Pillars of
Islam to reinforce the learning. After the lesson they did a word search puzzle
related to the lesson.
Arabic Time
In Arabic Time, the students revised Arabic conversation and
learnt colors in Arabic. After that they completed a worksheet about colors.
Summer Homework
As this was the last class before summer break, the students were asked
to revise the previous lessons through this blog. They were also given a
Pillars of Islam Book with small descriptions of each pillar. They were
asked to find and paste pictures related to each pillar in the book.